34th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
Are you seriously interested in history?
If you want to catch the Devil,
If you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell ~
Join the Cavalry
The 34th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
Setting the standard for authenticity for over 48 years!
Campaign with Witcher’s Nighthawks
Buttermilk Rangers need not apply!
The heroism, tenacity, and dedication of Confederate soldiers were legendary even among their opponents. The 34th Battalion of Virginia Cavalry relives that legend by its thoroughly researched portrayal of Lt. Col. Vincent Witcher's immortal Nighthawks.
Authentically uniformed and equipped, the 34th Virginia portrays Confederate mounted riflemen of 1863 as they actually looked. The 34th Virginia provides an outstanding opportunity to preserve the heritage of America's past as part of an established and respected organization.
Join the 34th and experience competitive live fire with Civil War arms and gain a greater appreciation for the bravery of the soldiers of the Civil War. Feel the recoil and hear the bullets whistling down range while participating in matches with small arms that saw action in America’s deadliest war. This time the targets don’t shoot back and the enemy is the clock. The unit that hits all of its targets in the shortest time wins. There are live fire artillery matches and individual and team matches with handguns, muskets, carbines, and repeaters.
The unit is headquartered in the New England Region of the North-South Skirmish Association, but has members in Virginia, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Many members are descendants of Confederate soldiers, and the unit is affiliated with the Lt. Col. V. A. Witcher Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Grundy, Virginia. Some members had ancestors in the Union Army; some had ancestors on both sides of the War for Southern Independence.
“Witcher’s men comprise the best material for mounted riflemen in the Confederate Army.”
- Brig. Gen. W. E. “Grumble” Jones
For additional information, please contact:
Adjutant Buzz Smith at docbuzz@comcast.net or Cmdr. Bill Adams at mountedrifle@sbcglobal.net